16 April 2008

monkey, ant

i managed to make it out of the studio alive last night and back today. i decided to print the monkey in yellow, followed by the ant in orange. once again, out of convenience, i didn't have to clean the press inbetween runs because i simply added red ink to the yellow already on the press. oh the joys of primary colors.

15 April 2008

lion & snake

writing from the letterpress studio. it's about 11:32 p.m. which is terrbile considering i only got over being sick, well, today really. anyhow, after careful planning and color mixing (only not really at all), i managed to print the lion for the L and the snake for the S.

i think they turned out okay. i'll have to wait and see once all the animals are on the sheet really. also note that the colors are out of whack. the lion is a dark purple and the snake a dark, dark green. the lighting in here is quite misleading. i'm not sure what else i'll do for colors, besides using brown or red which already will make an appearance on the project. anyway, i've got 15 minutes to kill until the parking garage closes, i should probably clean the press.

14 April 2008

sick day

i got rather sick last weekend with a cold/fever/general misery and recovered quite quickly over the weekend. unfortunately it came back with full force this previous weekend on saturday, when i got back from the chicago trip. with nothing else to do besides lay in bed and watch the philadelphia project, i decided to finish up the linoleum cuts for my final project. anyhow, please ignore their colors, as i had to test them out with magic markers. obviously a really classy way of proofing.

i'm excited to actually print them on the press, however it won't be tonight because i can't seem to stay vertical for more than five minutes.

12 April 2008

friday night in

i have to be up in five hours to catch the bus for chicago. we're going to see the Hopper exhibit. obviously, studying american art and all, i'm super excited.

anyhow, Hopper is really important and i could go on for hours about how much i really like his aesthetic, but i won't. ALSO, i saw the Rape of Europa tonight. absolutely amazing and a must-see.

also, more Hopper's because i'm not tired enough to sleep yet.

10 April 2008

final project

started work on my final project yesterday. i'm doing an accordion style book (as to avoid any extra work on the actual binding). the theme uses alliterations to describe animals. i'm not sure what or how i'm doing the imagery yet, but was able to print round one of the text.

there's no sense of scale here really, but the project is quite small. i'll post more pictures later. it was super interesting locking the wood type into the press. probably not the best way, but it seemed to work fine...

07 April 2008

finishing up

i thought i finished the poster project when i left north hall sunday afternoon, however after getting home and starring at it all night i decided something was very wrong. i couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it was apparent that too much white space still existed. i was able to add a few more phrases, ornament, etc before tonight, when they were due. i forgot, although, to scan the final copy. so no photos tonight.

i did, however, take a few photos of a project i finally completed sunday afternoon as well. i added my 'press name' to the back of the cards i made a few weeks / a month ago. my letterpress instructor advised us to do so on projects for recording keeping, etc. in the future. obviously i named my 'appeale press' pretty original huh?

02 April 2008

poster continued

i finally got in to the letterpress studio to print this morning. i added a few text blocks and ornamental design. i think i'll have to do at least two more runs though, before i'm through. the project is due monday so i expect to be done soon! don't mind the closeness at the top - the scanner isn't big enough for the poster size and the top was cut off.

01 April 2008


i have posted for a while because i haven't been able to print in what seems forever, actually meaning a few weeks. i have to finish up the poster tomorrow, however, so i'll have some more updates/photos then. i'm not realizing it's april 1st and that the rest of this month will be incredibly busy. lots of events at the museum, final projects for class, riverbank art fair and colorado trip. not to mention a big midterm this thursday. ahhhhhhhhh. it's times like these when i really value the google calendar feature.

not much else to say or report. oh, i found out i got into grad school yesterday. so that's exciting. if i decide to accept i'll be attending here: http://www.jfku.edu/programs/programs/museum_stud/ma/