12 March 2008

poster project part one

i woke up bright and early today so that i'd be ready to print at my 11 AM- 2 PM time slot. I had to make my negative and then polymer plate before i could do that. We make negatives for smaller projects using transparencies and inverting the photos colors. see here:

then i made a polymer plate. i vowed never to use these after my last printing class. they have a metal backing on them which attachs to a large magnet that rests in the bed of the press. trying to move the plate around is nearly impossible and often results in cutting ones hands.

it was finally time to print. i decided to go with a dark color for the image as i'll be using reds and blues everywhere else in the text. i mixed blue with back for a really dark navy blue color. edging more on the side of black. i used three different paper shades. i think i'm most happy with the brown tone - it gives the poster an antique feel. also the plate didn't print as darkly on that paper giving the image a faded look. anyhow, i've got to figure out what text i'll be using and work on a layout next.

1 comment:

Minifoggia said...

Ciao! Bel blog, molto carini anche i disegni fatto in vari modi. Se vuoi puoi anche visitare il mio blog cliccando sul mio nickname! Hello! :)