07 July 2008

officially july

i regret that i haven't been posting much this summer. i suppose i could blame it on a number of things - ranging from the flooding in iowa city to my overall lack of creativity lately. most spare time is spent thinking about packing, but not actually doing any work. this past weekend was full of fun 4th of july activities including:


vodka tonics

sidewalk chalk

henna tattoo

i haven't been printing much and have replaced any art making with baking. over the last month i've experimented with the following recipes:

1. chocolate chip pecan pie (not too exciting, but my first time making a pie completely from scratch. )
2. andes mint chocolate chip cupcakes
3. avocado lime cookies with coconut garnish
4. lemon poppy seed tea cookies
5. chocolate pumpkin cake

unfortunately i've been a poor photographer lately and do not have any pictures to share. baking projects for this week include:

1. cripsy salted oatmeal white chocolate cookies
2. brownie roll-out cookies

i'll make sure to post pictures of both of these.

1 comment:

jennieL said...

send me one of those salty oatmeal things. sounds like i'd like it.