11 March 2009

I'm going to attempt to start this up again, though we'll see how that actually goes. Second quarter of grad school will be over within the next two weeks and i'm really excited about wrapping things up. I spent monday night in the kitchen, after class, attempting a baking project. An old standard though - andes chocolate brownie cupcakes. though with my new camera the pictures are far more enticing. This recipe is so easy it hurts and feels like you're cheating yourself out of a true baking experience. Though, it's quick and easy and you're left with an extremely rich treat. i'd recommend having them warm and possibly with a glass of milk - if you're into that.

Andes Mints Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes
Any dry brownie mix - prepared as directed
Two boxes of Andes Mints (could use the cherry or toffee flavors, though mint takes the cake)

Line cupcake pan with liners and fill with brownie batter to half full. Place one Andes Mint in the middle and press slightly down, nearly covering the mint with batter. Add additional batter (only a slight bit) if needed to cover any exposed mint. Bake as directed (approximately 25-30 minutes at suggested heat). Immediately remove and place on cooling rack. For Andes Mint topping place one mint on top of cupcake and let melt for a few seconds. Using a small spoon (or your finger if you don't mind a little heat) swirl the melted mint over the cupcake. Place cupcakes in refrigerator to cool/harden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back!